We are a dynamic source provider of a vast variety of answers when it comes to your technical questions and needs. We started out providing solutions to minor tech questions part time from home, to the mainframe when we launched virtually in 2015 as the sole owner of TechTipsGuy.com. We are computer whiz who is also embedded with the profound knowledge of fixing and maintaining computers, which we have done for 15 years. We professionally got into the technology division over 10 years ago when we moved from doing accounting after they discovered our ideal talent for technology.

The love for technology started back in high school in the 90’s when he was first introduced to computers using MS DOS and Windows 95. It was further revealed when he quoted “Technology is not just something that I love, it has become a passion for me. It is evolving every day and if we are not up-to-date with technology, a lot of us will be left behind especially business owners, and I am here to help you.” With that being said, here at TechTipsGuy.com we aim to make your day easier. We will resolve all your technical brain-drilling problem whether you want to become like us or you are a secretary who also manages the technical aspects for your boss or to simply needing help with your IT homework. TechTipsGuy.com will answer them all and because we know that you like your answers to be up-to-date, we keep abreast with technological trends as years transcends.

What we Aim to do?

We make some of your most difficult technological issues seamless. TechTipsGuy.com is user friendly for all who read our blogs, we welcome what challenges you, and we will not stop until whatever the device or software it is becomes easy to use.

So folks, be our guest and subscribe to our blog for your tech news, reviews, tech tips, how to make money online, gaming, among others. Thank you.